Tenant Criminal Background Check: Ensuring Safety in Merced, CA

Tenant Criminal Background Check: Ensuring Safety in Merced, CA

There are about 3.6 million evictions in the United States each year, according to a PBS News report. If you're a landlord, that statistic should make your eyebrows rise. Evictions have the potential to financially ruin a landlord.

That's why you need to make sure that you're getting quality tenants in the first place - ones that are the least likely to require eviction in the future. The solution to this problem is an extensive tenant criminal background check.

But what exactly is a tenant criminal background check? And why is it important for your Merced, CA home? In this background check guide, we'll answer these questions so you can protect your property investment.

What Is a Tenant Criminal Background Check?

If your tenant has a criminal history they might try to engage in legal activity on your rental property. That's why these types of background checks are necessary to help you avoid legal trouble.

A tenant criminal background check takes a look at any past arrests or legal charges a tenant might have against them. The extent of the background check will depend on where you're getting it done.

For example, here at PMI Merced, we start with a national criminal search. From there, we expand to a national sex offender list, as well as an international terrorist database search. Through tenant verification, we ensure you know exactly who you're renting to.

Why Are They So Important?

There are two main reasons why tenant criminal background checks are so important. First, if illegal activity is happening on your property, there's a big chance that you could be held legally responsible.

Second, criminals will likely need to be evicted, either for breaking the lease or refusing to pay rent. It's estimated that the average cost of eviction for landlords is $1,917.

And that's not even counting the months of missed rent. On top of that, there's no guarantee that the person will even be evicted. Tenant criminal background checks help reduce this risk while creating a more secure rental property.

How to Conduct a Tenant Criminal Background Check

If you want, you can conduct a tenant criminal background check yourself. However, the tenant screening process can be expensive and time-consuming for the average landlord.

And, unfortunately, there's no guarantee that you'll do it right. Instead, we recommend going with a property management company that provides tenant background services.

Additionally, you might want to consider additional protections if you've had problems in the past. For example, eviction protection plans are a great way of adding some insurance against bad tenants.

Tired of Dealing With Problem Tenants? Contact PMI Merced

We hope this landlord safety tips guide helped you learn more about the importance of a tenant criminal background check for your Merced, CA home. Here at PMI Merced, we know that finding a good background check service is not only challenging but also expensive.

That's why we screen your tenants for you. What's more, we can manage every aspect of their lease and rental situation. So if you're ready to make your job as a landlord easier, get in touch with us today.
